C-TEC Won’t Be Hampered by COVID

C-TEC has always been an asset to Licking County. The Adult Education Center serves employers and individuals to provide technical training to enable careers that can sustain. Not even a global pandemic can stop C-TEC as you’ll see on this video.

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TechCred: Beginning April 1, 2021, the State of Ohio will open the most recent application round for the TechCred program for one month. This program funds training for employers to upskill their workforce. C-TEC offers a number of eligible programming for employers looking to take advantage. For more information on TechCred, please visit: www.techcred.ohio.gov

EDGE Training: Early in the pandemic, C-TEC, with support from the Heath-Newark-Licking County Port Authority and the Licking County Commissioners modernized manufacturing training to upskill those displaced by Covid with C-TEC Edge training, free for participants. New classes will take place in mid-2021.